Monday, January 17, 2011

Weird New Obsession: Banana Chips

Hello everyone, Sarah here =) with a weird new obsession (obviously cuz that's what the title is =) )
So I was in walmart today getting clothes hangers and ponytails. I found them and I was just wondering around, I found the dried fruits and nuts section. Everything was pretty exspensive so I was going to leave but then I saw banana chips for a dollar. A DOLLAR! I grabbed them even though I had never had them but I liked bananas so why not? when I was putting the stuff in my backseat, I grabbed the banana chips to eat on the way home.THEY WERE AMAZING. They're soooooo good. I like the taste of bananas but I don't like the mushiness. But since these are banana "chips" they're crunchy and amzing. I'm eating them right now since they gave me a big bag. All it contains is bananas, cocunut oil and sugar. The first thing I noticed when I first tried them were how they were sweeter than regular bananas. it has two cups in the bags and 30 grams of sugar. Kinda a lot of sugar but I'll have them when I'm craving something unhealthy I think even though they're really good for you. So this has nothing to do with beauty and fashion but whatever.

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