Friday, January 21, 2011

Dream Job

2 posts in a row! i'm doing good, who knows? maybe I'll do 3, so this is my dream job. So you know how nail polishes always have really funny or cute names. Like my white is never been kissed on my reddish orange is called spicy cinnamon? Well I love those names and reading them. They're never just white or just reddish orange. They're really cute. Well I want to be the person who names them. Doesn't that sound like a cool job? Now I wanna know if that's actully someone's job. Maybe just the person who creates the color comes up with the name. I dunno, I hope there's a special name person. Now while nail polish would be my dream job, I'd also be thrilled to name any sort of makeup like eye shadow or lipstick or whatever sounds great to me. Imagine going into work every day and just naming makeup. So much fun. This is pretty unrealistic but that's why they call it a "dream" job. The odds of my getting that job is slim to none. Ah well, a girl can dream, can't she?

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